How To Install and Use Enpi

To install the program unpack the tarball

$ tar xzvf enpi.tar.gz

The compressed archive contains the script in two versions: one is generic (enpi.nn, nn being the version number), and one is customized to work with Ubuntu (enpi-nn.ub). Just rename the main executable script you are planning to use as enpi, and copy it to somewhere in your PATH.

Ubuntu users may have to install two additional packages to their computers:

- texlive-latex-recommended
- psutils

If you are updating from an older version of Enpi, do not forget to remove the hidden .enpi directory located inside your home directory before using version 0.3 of the script.

The tags

To use the script, first you must annotate your plain text document with a few simple formatting tags; to preview your document and to generate a printable formatted output, start enpi from the command line or from an x terminal with

$ enpi filename

where filename is the file you are editing.

Below is a list of the basic text-formatting commands you can use with enpi. Tags are either the same as in the regular BBCode for bullettin boards, or made up after them. More commands are available to handle page numbering, images, lists, and to work with tabs. For the complete list of tags, see the manual coming with the script in the tarball.

Font formatting: [12pt] is for normal fonts, [10pt] is for small fonts, and [14pt] is for larger fonts; [rm] is for Roman, [hl] is for Helvetica, and [co] is for Courier. In addition

this text is [b] bold [/b] - this text is bold
this text is [i] italic [/i] - this text is italic
this text is [u] underlined [/u] - this text is underlined.

You can nest tags to have - say - [rm][u][i] underlined italicized text [/i][/u] in Roman; with other font families your mileage may vary, as under enpi not all LaTeX fonts seem to allow all possible combinations.

Paragraph formatting: tags and commands will not show up in the printable output, of course (see the screenshots below). Fully justified paragraphs are the default but

[le]This would be a left-hand aligned paragraph.[/le]


these words would be centered
and finally this paragraph would be aligned to the right

With a double backslash \\
you can force line breaks.
Footnotes can be added to your documents by putting them between double squared brackets. [[ As an example, this would appear as a footnote in your document ]].

Quotations: the opening and closing tags are the same as in any BBCode-based bulletin board. Though margins are fixed and cannot be changed from within enpi, the script will have LaTeX nicely indent quoted text as necessary

The quoted excerpt can be of any length. It will appear as slightly smaller and both left- and right-hand side indented text.

Enpi and the JOE editor

If you are editing your text inside the JOE editor you need not write the tags by hand. The task of adding the BBCode tags to your file can be handled through a specific set of key sequences coded into a JOE macro, called enpi4joe, in a manner which is reminiscent of the way old word processors used to work.

The enpi4joe key sequences are based on the F2 through F9 function keys followed by one more character or number.

As an example F5-based key sequences are for font formatting. F5-B will cause JOE to add the [b] bold [/b] text tags to your document; similarly, the F5-I sequence is for adding [i] italic [/i] text to documents, whereas F5-U is for [u] underlined [/u] text.

Font families and dimensions can be managed through F6- and F7- key sequences respectively. F6-H is for [hl] (Helvetica), F6-C is for [co] (courier), and F6-R is for [rm] (roman); F7-B is for big [14pt] fonts, while F7-S is for smaller [10pt] fonts; F7-D is for the default [12pt] font dimension.

The manual contains the full list of key bindings you can use with enpi4joe and it also explains how to activate the macro. Key sequences are not case-sensitive.